"-196°: The pioneers of resurrection" has been published on the October 2020 issue of the italian magazine FQ MillenniuM
The project "-196°: The pioneers of resurrection" by Giuseppe Nucci, about the russian transhumanist movement and cosmism, has been published in the Portfolio section on the October issue of italian magazine FQ MillenniuM.
"Roma Romance" has been published on the June 2020 issue of the italian magazine FQ MillenniuM.
The ongoing project "Roma romance" by Giuseppe Nucci has been published in the Portfolio section on the June issue of italian magazine FQ MillenniuM.
"Along the shepherds' highways" published on the italian magazine L'Espresso.
The project "Along the shepherds' highways" by Giuseppe Nucci has been published on the italian magazine L’Espresso, four photos accompanied an interesting article by Maurizio Di Fazio.
Featured on "Le making of" section in the May 2020 issue of National Geographic France.
On the May 2020 French National Geographic edition, a picture from the work "Along the shepherds' highways" by Giuseppe Nucci has been published in the "Le making of" section. The article by Marie-Amèlie Carpio briefly tells about the genesis of the photographs I took on day of the celebrations for San Domenico.
Giuseppe Nucci talks about his series "Along the shepherds' highways" on TGR Molise.
Giuseppe Nucci was a featured guest on TGR Molise, a local news space on the italian national channel RAI 3. An interview to focus on the publication of his work “Along the shepherds’ highways” in the May 2020 issue of National Geographic Magazine. You can find the interview here.
"Along the sheperds' highways" published in the May 2020 issue of National Geographic Magazine
The project "Along the shepherds' highways" by Giuseppe Nucci has been published in the May 2020 issue of National Geographic Magazine, with a large spread of 14 pages and 9 photos. The magazine widespread worldwide in nearly 40 local-language editions and have a global circulation of approximately 6.5 million per month.
You can find the online publication here, with a large spread of 30 photographs.
On assignment for the italian magazine "Internazionale".
During the Coronavirus emergency and the related lockdown in Italy, Giuseppe Nucci realised some portraits to professionals working on temporary or free lance jobs. This is an assignment by the italian magazine Internazionale.
You can find the article here.
On assignment for the italian magazine "L'Espresso".
Some photos of Giuseppe Nucci commisioned by L’Espresso magazine, about a new student movement in Italy, has been published on the number 49th of the 2019.
"Along the sheperds' highways" published on the German magazine STERN
The project "Along the shepherds' highways" by Giuseppe Nucci has been published in the renowned German magazine STERN with a large spread of 12 photos.